“Escape the Meatrix is a must read for anyone who cares about the impact of their food choices. When it comes to eating animals and animal-derived products, false narratives passed down generationally mold us to believe that exploiting and killing animals for food is natural, normal and necessary. This book will show you how those beliefs are aiding in the destruction of our planet and our morality when it comes to our treatment of non-human animals, and how we can be the change we need to be for future generations.”
Jenny Brown
Lecturer, Animal Rights Activist
Author of The Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight for Farmed Animals
Co-Founder, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

“Stuart Waldner gives the reader a compelling invitation towards a longer, healthier life through understanding the science of plant based nutrition. These principles are central to brain health, and are embedded in the Alzheimers Prevention strategies we see in integrative medicine today.”
Dr. Chris Walling
Vice President
Alzheimers Research & Prevention Foundation

“Over the last 10 years, Stuart’s consistent good health has markedly impressed me and my residents. He takes great care of himself and has avoided all of the chronic diseases I so often see in many of my patients. His metabolic status is amazing and he is definitely an outlier in my practice.”
Andrew R. Hoellein, MD, MS
Professor, Internal Medicine
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Lexington, KY